Sydney Accord

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  1. What is the Sydney Accord?
    It is an agreement between the bodies responsible for accrediting professional engineering degree programs in each of the signatory countries. It recognizes the substantial equivalency of programs accredited by those bodies, and recommends that graduates of accredited programs in any of the signatory countries be recognized by the other countries as having met the academic requirements for entry to the practice of engineering. The Sydney Accord covers Engineering technology.
  2. How can I find out if my program is recognized under the Sydney Accord?
    The list of programs currently recognized under the Sydney Accord can be searched by signatory country.
  3. How do the Sydney Accord signatories recognize degrees earned prior to the signing of the Accord?
    Generally, the signatories only accept accredited degrees earned from the date of acceptance of a signatory into the Accord. Therefore, the original signatories accept one another's degrees accredited in 2001 and onward. For degrees earned prior to the aforementioned dates, each signatory country assesses the degrees on an individual basis. They should be contacted individually for specific policies on this matter.
  4. If a program is not recognized by the Sydney Accord, can it be submitted for recognition by the Sydney Accord signatories?
    Individual degrees cannot be submitted for recognition under the Sydney Accord.
  5. I hold an engineering technology degree from a non-Sydney Accord signatory country. This degree, however, is recognized by a Sydney Accord signatory as substantially equivalent to an engineering technology degree accredited within this signatory country. Is my degree recognized by other Sydney Accord signatories?
    The Sydney Accord Agreement applies only to accreditations conducted by the signatories within their respective national or territorial boundaries. The signatories are not bound to recognize programs accredited or recognized as substantially equivalent by other signatories outside their national boundaries.
  6. The list of accredited programs posted by a Sydney Accord signatory includes non-engineering programs. Do Sydney Accord signatories recognize technology degrees?
    Sydney Accord signatories recognize only engineering technology programs accredited by the respective signatories.
    Information on the technology agreements honored by individual signatories may be found on their respective websites. The Sydney Accord provides for the mutual recognition of technology programs.
  7. Do I get automatic licensure recognition in any signatory country of the Sydney Accord after completing an engineering technology program/degree in a signatory country?
    The licensing or registration of professional engineers is not covered directly or in full by the Sydney Accord. However, the academic requirements which are part of licensing /regulation requirements are covered by the Accord.
    The licensure process differs among signatory countries. You must contact the individual signatory country to which you are applying for licensure in order to learn of national and regional licensure regulation and specific requirements for holders of overseas degrees.
  8. If I get an accredited Master's degree from a signatory country, can my overseas undergraduate degree be recognized by the signatory?
    The Accord only recognizes undergraduate degrees earned in a signatory country. You must contact the individual signatory for information on how each assesses the equivalency of studies completed outside national boundaries. Various signatory countries have evaluation centres charged with evaluation and recognition of overseas programs. Information about this process can be found on their website.